
Selenium Basics:
  1. What is Selenium?
  2. Selenium Basics
  3. Selenium Commands
  4. Selenium IDE PPT
Installation Plugins and Softwares
  1. Install Firebug Add on for Firefox
  2. How to Use Firebug?
  3. Install Firepath Addon for Firefox
  4. Install Java JDK and Configure
  5. Install Eclipse IDE
  6. How to launch Eclipse IDE ?
  7. How to create projects in Eclipse IDE ?
  8. Install Selenium IDE
Selenium IDE:
  1. What is Selenium IDE ?
  2. Record and Playback using Selenium IDE
  3. Validating elements using Selenium IDE
  4. Validate elements using Assert mechanism
  5. Validate elements using verify mechanism
  1. What are Locators ?
  2. Different Types of Locators to identify UI elements
  3. Locate UI elements by ID
  4. Locate UI elements by Name
  5. Locate UI elements by Link
  6. How to use Firepath?
  7. Locate UI elements by XPath
  8. Locate UI elements by CSS
Wait Commands:
  1. How to use implicit wait in selenium webdriver and why?
  2. WebDriver Explicit Wait : Wait for element to be clickable in selenium web driver
  3. WebDriver Explicit Wait : Text to be present in selenium webdriver 
  4. WebDriver Explicit Wait :How to wait for alert in webdriver
  5. WebDriver Explicit Wait : How to wait till element visible or appear or present on page

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