Java Prgs

Count the number of occurrences of a character in a String? 
Check armstrong number or not ?
Fibonacci series using recursion and non recursive in java
Find the Factorial of Given Number in java
How to Add elements to hash map and Display?
How to find largest element in an array with index and value using array?
Is it possible to print message without using system.out.println?
Java Program for Binary Search
Java Program for Bubble Sorting
Java Program for Linear Search 
Java Program for Prime Number
Java Program for Selection Sort 
Java Program to Swap two numbers without using third variable in java
Java Program to find sum of digits with and without using recursion.
Java program to remove duplicate elements from an arraylist without using collections (without using set)
Palindrome program in java using for loop
Print numbers in pyramid shape 
Reverse a string without using string function in java
Reverse number program in java 
Sort the string using String Methods? 
Sorting string without using string Methods? 
write a program to create singleton class?

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